Top 10k strings from Alchemist News - Issue 04 (1992)(Alchemist Research)[a].tap
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1 ~Your Adolescence~ 1 d*"ALCHNEWS4" 1 and if you can make your letterson the envelope flash like that you can have `2 of free credits for Alchemist PD!","`" 1 after title 1 Well, sadly another issue has come to an end. As I said before, the next sheduled issue will be SEPTEMBER, so please send your SAE's anytime then. Ifyou want to write in the mean- time Im sure I can conjure up a little goodies pack!",""," 1 We often get queries asking what our roles are in the Spectrum world of computing, andI hope this section aims to tellyou everything you wanted to know about A.R. but were afraid to ask!"," 1 We have several members of staffat work here in Woodhouse, who are on hand to help in any way, and also many members who work from their own homes, mostly in the UK but with a couple of agents in Europe. We are a member of ISSUE and are a non- profitmaking organisation who try and help people make the most of their Spectrums in a friendly but mature way.","`" 1 Want a job?",""," 1 To start with, we are situated on the Eastern outskirts of Sheffield, in a village called Woodhouse which is currently undergoing a facelift with lots of old(ish) houses being knockeddown and new yuppie type homes being erected."," 1 This is also relying on support,but for anyone interested, we are running a PD library. All details can be found from the main menu. 1 The phone number isn't on general release, but If you're pretty important, then you should have it anyway. 1 Tech. Sec.",""," 1 THIS IS ONLY A GUIDE OF PROGRAMSFULL DETAILS IN SEPARATE PROGRAM 1 Overall: ***** Excellent Read 1 Our Address",""," 1 ON - 65123 1 OFF- 65133 1 Next time, we'll extend Alchnewsand bring back the PAW section and hopefully have some more contributors! We'll also have a feature on Turboloaders and have a look at some PD utils andstart a feature on the 128k RAM and how its addressed and it's drawbacks. If you have any ideasfor sections or wish to write your own, write now and you'll get a prize if I include it. 1 LAT :53~ 22' N LONG: 1~ 22' W","`" 1 In 128 mode, just altering 23611to 205 allows graphics T + U to be used. POKEing 23611 back to 221 returns it to normal state 1 I tested it by using the CHAT mode which worked fine, then I sent a short program, which was A:OK! The system may seem wierdbut if you have a +2 which is funny at the taste of some tapesit's a great way to get data in from your reliable old 48! Its also great as a local area network to perhaps your neigh- -bours or sister's room, and as VTX5000's come at around `10 it's an economical version of the Interface1 networking."," 1 I set up the two Spectrums and the VTXes and connected the cable from each VTX into the telephone socket on the back of the other. I booted up Dialsoftand success! 1 Hi to my girlfriend, 1 Front Ends and News",""," 1 Ed's Comments",""," 1 Ayrshire"," 1 As I said earlier, due to lack of support, I feel all my energywriting all the sections in A.N are wasted, so we are looking into creating a basic shell featuring areas like this and not including support areas likePAW, 128 RAM, Music, Multifaces,The 128 AUX port,VTX etc. unlessthe reader requests them on their issue. That way, I can judge in advance if it's worth typing them or saving them." 1 Apologies to readers who got Issue Three of AlchNews without Mystic Dwellings and Pokes, but due to the authors not sending any articles for the issue and my anger at the lack of support,I just closed the issue early. 1 Alchemist Research Data",""," 1 Alchemist PD",""," 1 Alchemist PD supply DIALSOFT","`" 1 AN4C y 1 ALCHNEWS4 ;J 1 ALCHNEWS SUMMER '92 1 ADVENTURE LINK"," 1 ;"More..": 1 ;" Bytes free left **": 1 ;" ";(65536 1 ;" " 1 16 Montgomery Avenue"," 1 138 WHAT THIS INVOLVES", 1 131 CO-EDITOR / PARTNER","","132 Adventure Writer","133 Reviewers","134 Technical Writers","135 PD Contributions","136 Cheats Writer","137 Special Interest Groups",""," 1 , to Dave Ledbury and the cast of 1 +D ENQUIRY 1 ** SET CLOCK** 1 ** SAVE / LOAD ** 1 ** NEW EDIT ** 1 ** CHECK MEM ** 1 * Type PRINT USR 4867 1 * Type POKE 23611,205"," 1 * Switch on, select 128 BASIC"," 1 * RANDOMIZE USR 23325 1 * Enter 1 STOP and RUN it 1 ), its not surprising people sell up.",";","`" 1 (TP+H)+" ": 1 "WORK"," ","We also do work like creating adventures for people and our- selves and have a free font service with many to choose fromI, personally also work with companies like ZAT, QUEST, Adv. Link, AlchNews, Debug etc.","`" 1 "WHAT TO DO"," ","If you press BREAK and see how the pages are created, then you write your pages like that, thensend the data to us and we will merge it onto the master tape. All tapes will be returned alongwith either a free gift or `1 ofcredits for Alchemist PD. You MUST keep to the deadline and answer your mail! When winter demand increases, there will be an issue every month, usually onthe 1st of each, so all data will be in for the 25th. More details will be send to the staff later.","`" 1 "WANT A JOB"," ","Would you like to get involved with ALCHNEWS in a monor or major way? We have positions open for many areas. See the following pages for more details",""," 1 "UTILS"," ","UT01- 4 WAY SCREEN SCROLLER","UT02- TAPE HEADER READER","UT03- BREAK DISABLER","UT04- 64 COLUMN PRINT","UT05- 48K KEYBOARD BUFFER","UT06- 128 UTILITIES SUITE","UT07- FONT DESIGNER","UT08- SOUND SAMPLERS","UT09- CODE-DATA CONVERTER","UT10- TURBOLOAD CREATOR","UT11- DISASSEMBLER","UT12- INTERRUPT CLOCK","UT13- FILL ROUTINE","UT14- COPYTAPE 2+3","UT15- 128 MENU SIMULATOR","`" 1 "UTILS 3"," ","UT31- 128 SIMULATOR (48K)","UT32- BEEB TYPE KEY PROGRAMMER","`" 1 "UTILS 2"," ","UT16- SOUND TO LIGHT PROG","UT17- MULTIFACE FONT GRABBER","UT18- 128-48 MODE SWITCH","UT19- REM STORE","UT20- HEADERLESS LOAD/SAVE","UT21- MULTIFACE RAMDISK SIM.","UT22- CODE RELOCATOR","UT23- SPEC SOUND FX","UT24- TASWORD 2 UTILS SUITE","UT25- MULTIFACE FONT INSTALLER","UT26- MICRODRIVE MEMORY MAP","UT27- STREAMS+CHANS STATUS","UT28- UTILS1","UT29- UTILS2","UT30- BLOCK LINE DELETE","`" 1 "THE END"," "," 1 "TECHNICAL SUPPORT STAFF"," ","Any techhies out there who'd like their own section on a particular piece of hardware or software or just to run a regular helpline or info sectionFor pay see page 138","`" 1 "TECH. SEC."," ","141 I want a +D!","142 Can you help?","143 Big prizes & Magic Button","","144 2 Specs and a VTX,","145 Free comms fun!","","146 128-48 mode switch","147 They said it was impossible","","148 Multiface Font Installer","149 Next Month","`" 1 "Special Interest"," ","If you want to start your own special interest section, from dustbins to astronomy, then write in now! It can be as serious or zany as you wish! Allconributions will recieve a gift","`" 1 "SUPPORT"," ","We support all workers producingquality homegrown Spectrum material, and for us to survive,we need YOUR support, so don't struggle in a 16bit world, contact us or any of our Speccy counterparts and tap into the free or cheap wealth that is theSpectrum!","`" 1 "Revamper wanted!"," ","During the last few months Ive recieved comments on Alchnews. To my relief, nobody criticised it, but said that it must be hell using the way I do to enterthe text- you're right! Most ideas were to use a wordpro. butdesigning a basic system to decode control characters to title and number pages took too much time. Also making it 40/42column would improve it. Any readers with solutions, please send them in.",""," 1 "REVIEWERS"," ","This applies to anyone. If you've just bought a new game, utility or hardware, then we'd like to hear your comments: the buyer, NOT tester. If you feel you've got a good buy or been stung, then let us know. Any information sent will recieve a free copy of Alchnews and `1 credit for Alchemist PD","`" 1 "PRIZES"," ","All entries will get `1 credit for Alchemist PD and the winningsolution which I will use will get FREE Alchnews for LIFE as well as `2 credit for Alchemist PD too!",""," 1 "PD Suppliers"," ","We are looking for ANY programs at all for Alchemist PD or maybefull European / Covertape marketing from Music to graphicsutilities to games. No effort is too small and all will recieve some prize. Send your stuff NOW! All tapes will be returned with your gift.","`" 1 "PARTNER"," ","In our ALCHNEWS Section we are looking for an editor to think up new ideas and to help data entry of each issue. Pay is nilat present as AlchNews is free, but if and when we charge, editor will get approx. 50% of takings. This job will require more work than the others and may require chasing up people and lots of communication via post and telephone. It would also be an advantage to own a VTX5000 or similar 1200/75 modem","`" 1 "Our Address"," ", "Andy Davis","ALCHNEWS","","Alchemist Research","62 Tithe Barn Lane","Woodhouse","Sheffield","South Yorks.","S13 7LN.",""," 1 "OUR WORK"," "," 1 "NEXT ISSUE"," "," 1 "MULTIFACE FONT INSTALL"," ","New from Alchemist PD and written by me is a program to overwrite the Spectrum chars with a new clearer, font. The program installs into ANY multiface and you can use any 768 byte font. The total code is less than 1k and uses the 8k multiface RAM. When the button is pressed, the font is copied into anywhere you choose in Spectrum RAM and automatically pokes 23606+23607 so it's viewedstraight away. The program needs a multiface with DIRECT JUMP facillity.","`" 1 "MISCELLANEOUS"," ","ED01- ELITE CAPTAIN EDITOR","ED02- SIMCITY MEGA RICH ISLE","ED03- FLOWCHART PROGRAM","ED04- FORTH DATA PACK","ED05- COMPILERS DATA PACK","ED06- 128 KEYPAD PORT FILE","`" 1 "MINUTE (0-59)? ";G: 1 "Keep it in that mode!!"," "," 1 "Issue Three Update"," "," 1 "How to Subscribe"," ","Each issue is `1.50 and comes on a reliable tape with inlay & box. Buying a subscription gives you special offers like free games etc. Contact Alec at ",""," 1 "Help!"," ","After ten years of tape, Im crying out for a disc drive, butafter shelling hundreds out for a new car etc. its left me skintLuckily I have a 400k 5.25~ diskdrive from my BBC setup but I want a +D interface for a GREY Sinclair +2. If you would like to part with one, get in touch and mark the envelope 1 "Hardware / Software"," ","We offer a great service if you're looking for a particular type of program or piece of hardware. We can even make up apiece of software for you, especially adventures. Call or write for more info.","Our boom service at the mo. is FREE character sets so you can pop them anywhere into your games or utils. We can also bug test games or give them an evaluationor even act as agentswhen they may be good enough forcommercialproduction.","`" 1 "HOUR (1-12)? ";G: 1 "HELP"," ","Most of the letters we get are from bewildered programmers wanting help or from people requesting informtaion on anything 8 bit related. We boast a large library of magazines and books dating from the birth of the Spectrum right upto the present day including ALL the Your Spectrum mags whichfeature some great info.","`" 1 "GAMES AND ENTERTAINMENT"," ","GA01- GLOBULAR TROUBLES","GA02- ESCAPE FROM MALCHOR ADV","GA03- CHOPPER MISSION","GA04- MAZE OF TERROR","GA05- MURDER ADVENTURE","GA06- EMPIRE ADVENTURE","GA07- TREASURE TRAIL","`" 1 "FRONT ENDS"," ","104 Issue Three Update","105 Alchemist PD Info.","106 Reduction in articles Info","107 Our Address","108 Adventure Link","`" 1 "FONTS AND CHARACTERS"," ","FO01- GOTHIC","FO02- COMMODORE","FO03- BBC","FO04- BOLD","FO05- BOLD 2","FO06- WIDE","FO07- PC","FO08- MIRRORED","FO09- SOVIET CYRILLICS","FO10- FUTURISTIC","FO11- ALIEN","FO12- ITALIC","`" 1 "Ed's Comments.."," ","So, for the summer, this will probablly the last issue for a while. I must admit, my work- load has increased considerably,but it was a pleasure working from midnight to 4am getting AlchNews onto tape. Anyway, allmy apologies to dedicated readers and companies like Questand ZAT who rely on A.N. for their newsletters and PD disks."," ","","Front ends Menu >>>>>","`" 1 "Ed's Comments"," ","This issue, we are only a 50 page scaled down issue due to unusually low interest. This iseither due to the hot summer weather (enjoy it while it stilllasts!) or becuase Spectrum support is really as bad as it'smade out. To be honest, I can'tblame people, as Ive got an NES and Gameboy and the standard of supposed Spectrum mags today, (they should be called 1 "COMMS."," ","We also deal in communications for the 8 bit computer by offering a direct computer to computer link using a VTX5000 and Dialsoft U2U software. We can supply specialist comms software as well as lists of Spectrum compatible Bulletin Boards, like D-TEL which, like many others, offers FREE games. Look out for the ZAT BB system soon! Write for more details.","`" 1 "COMMS"," ","CO01- VTX EDITOR","CO02- VTX ENHANCER","C003- FIREVIEW2","CO04- TERMINAL COMMS","CO05- XMODEM SOFTWARE XFER","CO06- FIRESCROLL 64COL","CO07- SHADES SCROLLING TERMINAL","CO08- DIALSOFT U2U SOFT XFER","CO09- FRAMES CAROUSEL","CO10- 128 VTX SOFTWARE","CO11- RS232 128-128 SOFTWARE","CO12- EDITVIEW","CO13- EDITVIEW +2","CO14- CET SOFTWARE UPLOADER","CO15- VTX EDITOR +3","`" 1 "COMMS 2"," ","CO16- SCREEN CONVERTER 1","CO17- SCREEN CONVERTER 2","CO18- RTTY/MORSE/SSTV DECODERS","CO19- PROGMAIL SOFTWARE CODER","CO20- VTX BOOT FOR 128 MACHINES","`" 1 "CHEATS EDITOR"," ","I'd like someone to compile a 10page cheats section including listings, pokes and maybe a how to hack section. More details supplied if you're interested.","`" 1 "BLANK","`" 1 "Adventure Link"," ","I would like to say hello to Alec Carswell of a 'cousin' tapezine to mine:Adventure Link. Alec has now released issue two which is packed full of news, tips, features, reviews and letters on the adventure scene. I can't boast that Ive seen manyadventure mags, but by judging it with columns in the glossies I have to say it's excellent.","`" 1 "AUDIO / VISUAL"," ","AV01- MEGGA PICCY SHOW","AV02- ARNOLD THE FISH","AV03- DOWNTOWN 128 MUSIC","AV04- SNOBSONG 128 MUSIC","AV05- FONTASIA","AV06- MAP OF UK","AV07- GARFIELD PICTURE","AV08- WOMAN PICTURE","AV09- CHARACTER VIEWER (BLOWUP)","`" 1 "ALCHNEWS4" 1 "ALCHNEWS SUMMER '92"," "," 1 "ALCHNEWS ROLE IN FUTURE"," "," 1 "ALCHEMIST RESEARCH"," "," 1 "ALCHEMIST PD"," ","Each item is 20p, you can have 10 programs for `1.50 or 20 for `2. Please supply SAE & C90.","","121 Comms","122 Comms","123 Utils","124 Utils","125 Utils","126 Fonts","127 Games","128 Audio/Visual","129 Misc.",""," 1 "ALCHEMIST PD"," "," 1 "ADVENTURE WRITER"," ","Due to being left in the lurch last issue, I'd like a new adventure writer. I'm not pickybut you should have your finger on the pulse of Spectrum Adven- tures and know the companies whostill market them. You'd have torecieve letters offering help, solutions or problems. Dependingon space, you would fill a 10-20page spread.","`" 1 "2 SPECS AND A VTX!"," ","A couple of months ago I was toying with the idea of connecting together two Specs to swap data in a local area network style WITHOUT interface Ones. I got the idea from DIAL-SOFT and two Spectrums talking via the phone line and wondered if the phone was needed."," 1 "2 SPECS & VTX..."," "," 1 "128-48 FLIP"," ","So, Amstrad said it could'nt be done, I don't know how it IS done, but don't worry! Yes, it IS possible to flip from 48 to 128 mode and back and forth, butit has to be done a certain way.",""," 1 "117-119 BLANK","`" 1 ","That should keep it in 48 mode, so now you can variables like VAL and CAT and add colour codesas easy a pie! To return.."," 1 ","..and you'll be back in 128! Just be careful and don't mess around with the printer buffer (23296-23551) or use any printer commands.",""," 1 ","","Response has been very slow, so I will bring the price down to `8. This includes: the box, twoinput and two output devices, all connectors and software. Don't miss out!","`" 1 ","","It should now be in 48 mode, but if any cursor movement is made, it will return to 18 mode,so perform a report call...",";","`" 1 ","","Cheques, P/O's payable to ALEC CARSWELL in `'s serling.",""," 1 "," Press ~B~ to Set Clock","`" 1 and to Neil, and all my other contacts and readers all over Europe. If this has reached anywhere outside, let meknow for a special prize. Bye!" 1 SAE's arehelpful and tapes if you want freebies or program examples." 1 1992 Alchemist Research 1 ** "; 65536 1 MAGIC BUTTON PROJECT 1 ALCHNEWS SUMMER '92 n